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Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences

Global History, Master of Arts (M.A.)

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Admission for Graduates without a German University Degree

The requirement for admission to the Master’s program “Global History” is a university degree with a final grade of 2.5 ("gut") or better in a Bachelor's program on History, which is comparable to the Bachelor’s programs in History of the University of Bayreuth. This necessitates that the completed curriculum is sufficiently similar, and the obtained grades are sufficiently good. Nevertheless, admission may be subject to conditions.

Applicants whose degree is not in History but closely related disciplines (e.g., Political Sciences, Ethnology, Cultural Studies, etc.) may also be admitted under certain conditions. Such conditions may be that particular modules from the Bachelor's program “Geschichte” at the University of Bayreuth need to be successfully completed within one year. Whether the criteria for acceptance into the Master’s program are met or not will be reviewed first by the board of examiners of this Master’s Program and second by the Admission Committee of the International Office on an individual basis prior to the enrollment process.

We are happy to receive applications for the winter term of 2025/26 from March 2025 onwards. The application deadline is 1st June 2025.

Required Documents

Applications are only possible via uploads on our platform "Campus Online". Please find the according links on this website:  https://www.uni-bayreuth.de/de/studium/masterstudium/global_history/index.php

There you will also find detailed information on the required documents. Generally these are:

For german students: 

  • Transcript of Records: mind. 150 ECTS mit mind. der Note "gut" (2,5)
  •  Studienabschlusszeugnis (z.B. B.A.), Diploma Supplement oder anderes Zeugnis der Hochschulzugangsberechtigung
  • eventuell Modulaufstellung aus vorangegangenem Studium, für die noch keine Leistungsnachweise vorliegen
  • Motivationsschreiben
  • tabellarischer Lebenslauf
  • Sprachnachweis Englisch Niveaustufe B2 (kann nachgereicht werden)

For students from other EU countries:

  • Transcript of records including subjects and grades (original language + certified translation in German or English) - at least 150 ECTS points with a final grade corresponding to "2,5" or better on the German grading system
  • Grade conversion document using the Bavarian Formula (an according document will be available during your registration in CAMPUSonline)
  • Secondary school leaving certificate including subjects and grades (original language + certified translation in German or English)
  • if possible, Diploma certificate (original language + certified translation in German or English) or Diploma Supplement
  • if necessary, a list of modules from previous studies for which no certificates of achievement are yet available
  • Motivation letter
  • Curriculum Vitae
  • Language certificate ENGLISH level B2
    (may be handed in later; applicants who cannot provide this proof will be enrolled on the condition that they submit the proof of the required language proficiency by the end of the first semester at the latest – but ideally it should be handed in with the application. B2 is achieved via TOEFL with at least 90 points; via IELTS “Academic” with at least 6,5 or via Cambridge Certificate with First Certificate in English (FCE).
    Students who have completed an English-language bachelor's degree program do not need to submit a separate B2 certificate for admission to our master's program. In such a case, a "letter of proficiency" from the corresponding university is sufficient for us as proof.
  • Language certificate GERMAN level A1
    (may be handed in later; applicants who cannot  provide this proof will be enrolled on the condition that they submit the proof of the required language proficiency by the end of the second semester at the latest – meaning, you can take an according German course at the Language Center of the University of Bayreuth.)

For students from non-EU countries:

The same as for students from EU countries

Data Protection Policy for the Application Procedure

With your signature on the personal information sheet you agree that the personal data you provide will be collected, saved and processed for application purposes based on the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), article 6, paragraph 1 2016/679. The only data saved are those strictly necessary for the procession and evaluation of your application. Your personal information will not be passed on to third parties. In case of an acceptance into the programme, the data will be saved until the completion of your studies. In case of a rejection, the data will be deleted after one month (deadline for opposition to the decision).

For any information about the data saved or in case you disagree with the processing and saving of your personal data, please contact the data protection officer of University Bayreuth, Thomas Frahnert, Tel. 0049921/55-5335. Furthermore you are entitled to the rights guaranteed by article 12-21 EU-GDPR.

You have the right to file complaints regarding the collection, saving and processing of your data with the responsible supervisory authority, the state data protection officer of Bavaria: Prof. Dr. Thomas Petri, Postfach 22 12 19, 80502 München; Tel. 004989 212672-0, E-Mail poststelle@datenschutz-bayern.de.


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